+385 1 4921 216

How to find us

We are very easy to find, the hostel is about 300 meters from the main train station and 700 meters from the main bus station. Our adress is 24 A. Šenoa street. The closest tram stop is 30 meters away.

Plane – if you arrive by plane take the bus at the airport which will brings you to the main bus station. When you get there, take a tram number 2, 6 or 8 heading towards the main train station and exit after two stops. Take a right to Draškovićeva street and the first street on the left is Šenoina street.


Bus - when you arrive to the main bus station, hop on a tram number 2,6,or 8 heading towards the main train station and exit after two stops. Take a right to Draškovićeva street and the first street on the left is Šenoina street.


Train - the best way is simply to walk from the main train station through Branimirova street. After 3 minutes you will reach Palmotićeva street. Turn left and after 50 m turn right.